PLASTICAP-60™ MPV3 Screwcap
The Plasticap 60 "MPV3" is a "Micro-Porous Venting" screwcap that is safe, secure, and economical. MPV3 PLASTICAP-60™ screwcap is the optimal solution for high-performance and cost-effective two-way venting of small and medium-sized plastic containers.
How does it protect?
The tamper-evident Plasticap 60TM MPV3 screwcap is made from HDPE with an expanded PE sealing wad with an integrated venting membrane. This combination provides a light yet robust two-way venting solution for your customers.
Ensuring maximum security worldwide
Comes standard with the Tri-Sure® global network of sales and service centers, technical support, and Plasticap 60TM tooling. The robust Plasticap 60TM closure system is the first choice for companies that value the highest protection levels for hazardous or expensive contents.


More information about the Tri-Sure® PLASTICAP-60™ MPV3 Screwcap

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