Caps for plastic containers
PLASTICAP-70™ Screwcap
PLASTICAP-70™ is the choice for a universal and cost-effective closure system to meet high-demand UN applications. Tri-Sure engineered the PLASTICAP-70 for optimal sealing and security of small and medium-sized plastic containers.
The unique design of the PLASTICAP-70 thread and cap ensures the container remains secure and prevents any leakage. The tamper-evident feature provides maximum security and is easy to use. The specialized nature of the cap also allows for versatility and customization depending on the application.

<ul><li>Suitable for automated filling lines.</li><li>Compliant for UN certification.</li><li>Global footprint and reliable supply chain.</li><li>In compliance with FSSC 22000 standards. </li><li>Full product traceability.<br /></li></ul>

More information about the Tri-Sure® PLASTICAP-70™ Screwcap

PLASTICAP-70™ Screwcap
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PLASTICAP-70™ Screwcap
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